
Eggtatta, Fritatta, Whatevertatta...

When you raise chickens, you're going to have eggs galore. I recently moved to Crescent City, California last June, 2014 from the Bay Area looking for a simpler lifestyle. One where less is better and more fulfilling. February of this year I decided to build a chicken coop and get some chickens. I now have 11 chickens and 1 rooster. Chickens consist of Jersey Giants, Rhode Island Reds, Americana, Plymouth Rocks and I'm not sure what breed the rooster. I decided on chickens because the price of eggs kept going up and it's just cheaper to raise my own. They put out anywhere from 8-12 eggs daily (56-84 eggs a week). Now that's a lot of eggs you can say. The colors range from green, white and different shades of brown. Sometimes I end up with "fart" eggs. Lol! Fart eggs are usually harmless and most likely the hen laying the egg was interrupted but after a few days she should straighten herself out. I had 2 farts and then everything went back to normal. Now I get to do more baking and cooking because I have plenty of eggs on hand. I recently made a fritatta for dinner. I winged it from what I've seen on tv, in magazines and on the web. I mixed 3 eggs in a bowl and added the sauteed scallions, spicy hot sausage, bell peppers, jalapenos, which I cooked in olive oil along with some sea salt, black pepper, oregano and thyme. After the egg had cooked on the bottom and around the sides I finished it off in the oven on 350 for about 10-15 mins until done. Topped it off with some shredded cheddar cheese. But you can use whatever you have on hand.
I must say it turned out better than I thought. Raising chickens is easier than I thought once the kinks are worked out. No matter where you live, in the city or the country. Give it a try. There's some great books and blogs on raising chickens that will help get you started. Until next time,
Bon Appetit

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